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WordPress, show admin notices, required plugins for a theme

When you create a bespoke theme, you usually need some specific plugins who needs to be activated for a normal use of your theme.
Here is a way to create notice message on your admin area.

Here is just an example, please adapt it to your needs:

add_action('admin_notices', 'showAdminMessages');

function showAdminMessages()
    $plugin_messages = array();
    $aRequired_plugins = array();

    include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );

    $aRequired_plugins = array(
                                array('name'=>'Advanced Custom Fields', 'download'=>'', 'path'=>'advanced-custom-fields/acf.php'),
                                array('name'=>'Custom Taxonomy Order NE', 'download'=>'', 'path'=>'custom-taxonomy-order-ne/customtaxorder.php'),
                                array('name'=>'Relative URL', 'download'=>'', 'path'=>'relative-url/relative-url.php' ),
                                array('name'=>'Relevanssi', 'download'=>'', 'path'=>'relevanssi/relevanssi.php'),
                                array('name'=>'User Role Editor', 'download'=>'', 'path'=>'user-role-editor/user-role-editor.php'),
                                array('name'=>'Yet Another Related Posts Plugin', 'download'=>'', 'path'=>'yet-another-related-posts-plugin/yarpp.php')

    foreach($aRequired_plugins as $aPlugin){
        // Check if plugin exists
        if(!is_plugin_active( $aPlugin['path'] ))
            $plugin_messages[] = 'This theme requires you to install the '.$aPlugin['name'].' plugin, download it from here.';

    if(count($plugin_messages) > 0)
        echo '
'; foreach($plugin_messages as $message) { echo '


'; } echo '
'; } }
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