How to use Font Awesome Icons in CSS
Here is a simple quick way to use icons from Font Awesome as a “background-image” using CSS.
Here is a simple quick way to use icons from Font Awesome as a “background-image” using CSS.
I used Phaser during a web project I did for Ford. I discovered it long time ago doing some web monitoring and I finally played seriously with it recently.
Make a text fit 100% of the width of parent container if often an idea designers use in their concepts. However, when it comes to responsive design it becomes tricky to keep the text matching the initial idea.
Here is the list of package I use and add on a new ST editor when I start with a new machine.
CSS target Chrome and Safari only /* Webkit browser engine: Safari and Chrome */
I had the problem to have a gif always loaded to the final step. The non-looping animated gif didn’t replay when the page was reloaded.
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