If you get an error in Chrome regarding 404 site.webmanifest here is the fix for it. Obviously, check your path is correct first. Then, if you can open the site.webmanifest in a new window look (so no 404), look at the below.
Developers usually use a site.manifest part of the favicon set. realfavicongenerator.net does this job of generating the favicon version based on an image for you.
How to solve Chrome error manifest 404 in Chrome
On a live website, I had an error not present in localhost. Maybe because of the server settings or the password protection. Basically Chrome is complaining about the following 404 + Manifest: Line: 1, column: 1, Syntax error. site.webmanifest:1.

Manifest: Line: 1, column: 1, Syntax error. site.webmanifest:1
There is a simple fix that worked for me, just adding crossorigin=”use-credentials” to the import.
<link rel="manifest" href="your-path/site.webmanifest" crossorigin="use-credentials">
We all like a quick fix, happy days!