Skrollr is a JavaScript library doing a Scroll-jacking basically means we replace native scrolling to link actions to the scroll. Here is the good way to disable skrollr on mobile.
Someone asked me to help to fix a small bug on a portfolio he was doing using a paid WordPress theme (Notio theme). The issue was on mobile only. While scrolling the website the user experienced a jump to the top of the page. After looking in the js libraries used in the theme I found out the issue.
Do not use skrollr.init().destroy();
Here was the bit of faulty code:
// disable skrollr if the window is resized below 640px wide if ($(window).width() <= 640) { skrollr.init().destroy(); }
The good way is to do a check and then destroy the skrollr instance if wished
I replaced the lines above by those:
var _skrollr = skrollr.get(); // get() returns the skrollr instance or undefined var windowWidth = $(window).width(); if ( windowWidth <= 640 && _skrollr !== undefined ) { _skrollr.destroy(); }
It’s not the first time I have trouble with this JavaScript library, so I thought I would post about it and hopefully save a headache to some people.