Pym.js, responsive iframe parent showing 150px height only
If you experience a problem with Pym.js and the child iframe not resizing properly this could be due to the CSS in the child iframe.
If you experience a problem with Pym.js and the child iframe not resizing properly this could be due to the CSS in the child iframe.
Do you want to share a webpage URL with a specific section of text highlighted in yellow? Check the Link to Text Fragment Chrome extension. You might notice in the URL the characters “#:~:text” and some “%20” replacing spaces in the copy.
Building a block I had a group field and inside this group field a repeater. Here is how to use your repeater loop values inside a group’s loop with Advanced Custom Fields.
Run a “then” function as an “each jQuery” call is completed. The worse way to do it is to have a setTimeout delay before to call the function you wish. The good way to do it is to use promise to set a callback after all asynchronous each loop are completed.
Learn more about Reaktor’s and the University of Helsinki’s AI course – no programming or complicated math required.
Sometimes you want an action to happen only when the user clicks. For instance, I had a rollover effect going trigger the same action as a click on filter button. However, if the button is clicked I wanted to avoid rollover to change the selected filter to keep the selected filter active. So if the […]
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