Front-end resources I use all the time
List of web tools I use all the time. Just some good front-end resources for web developers. JS repositories, code generator, placeholder…
List of web tools I use all the time. Just some good front-end resources for web developers. JS repositories, code generator, placeholder…
CSS target Chrome and Safari only /* Webkit browser engine: Safari and Chrome */
I recently went to some interesting talk and one was about accessibility. I would like to share the most important point I heard during that talk.
It has been a bit more than a year now I use the services of InniAccounts for my accounting and I just want to share my thought and a little review about InniAccounts.
I had the problem to have a gif always loaded to the final step. The non-looping animated gif didn’t replay when the page was reloaded.
List of websites I use to find ideas when I need to think about new animation concept for my front-end projects.
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