Fill your confirmation statement webFiling online, no need for an accountant
Don’t pay your accountant to do something you can do alone in a few minutes only. Filling your confirmation statement is quick and easy.
Don’t pay your accountant to do something you can do alone in a few minutes only. Filling your confirmation statement is quick and easy.
Here is a quick tip to remove the piece of code added by WordPress 4.4 in the header of your pages about wp-embed.
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I had a new SSD disk on my mac and a few files got a lock icon on them. It’s possible to do a right click and untick the lock box but that’s slow process. Here is the command line for it
Just a list non exhaustive of websites and platform to learn about coding, performance, tools and techniques.
WordPress has its REST API which allow to retrieve all your data through JSON. You can use the data from your CMS into your pages without the WordPress PHP structure. Plugins are no longer required, just install the latest version of WordPress 4.7 or more and you’re ready to go.
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