
Test accessibility: keyboard, screen reader, colours

In all web project, we need to make sure all our content is accessible. Everyone does responsive build so the content display nicely on all device sizes and shape, but there is more we need to do at all time. Here is my little check list.


Confirmation Statement (CS01), what is it, and how to fill it?

Every year, your confirmation statement is due within 14 days of the anniversary of your company being incorporated. It cost £13 and it’s a legal requirement to confirm the records held are up to date. All those paper works are the parts freelancers don’t like, but it’s quick and easy to do.


SVG animation direction wrong in Safari only

While animating some path with the CSS property stroke-dashoffset, I noticed a bug in safari where the path would animate backward only in safari but work fine in Chrome, Firefox, etc. Here is the simple fix for Safari.